We know the probability of the transition per the unit of time, i.e. the probability $dp$ of the transition during $dt$ is $dp = dt/ \tau_{AB}$, Let $N_A(t)$ be the number of proteins in the state $A$ at the given time $t$. During $dt$ each of these proteins changes its state $B$ with the probability $dp$, so on average there are $N_A(t) dp$ transitions. We can write a following differential equation for $N_A(t)$: \[ d N_a = - N_a dp = - N_A \frac{dt}{\tau_{AB}}.\] This equaition can be easly integrated, so with $N_A(0) = N$ we have \[ \ln \frac{N_A(t)}{N} = - \frac{t}{\tau_{AB}}, \quad \Rightarrow \quad N_A(t) = N \cdot e^{-t/\tau_{AB}}.\] Also $d N_B = - dN_A$ and $N_B(t) = N - N_A(t) = N ( 1 - e^{-t/\tau_{AB}})$.
On the graph "C" we can see recognizable shift of the first peak in the scale of $10~\text{ms}$. so $\tau_{CO} \approx 10~\text{ms}$ and the first type of channels corresponds to the letter "C". The difference between graph "B" and graph "C" is that on the scale of $100~\text{ms}$ on graph "B" we don't see any secondary peaks, so for protein at "B" $\tau_{IC} \gg 100~\text{ms}$.
Graph $A$ Graph $B$ Graph $C$ 2nd type 3rd type 1st type
Let's write the dynamic equations for the numbers of cells in each state: \[ \begin{cases} \dot{N}_C = -\frac{N_C}{\tau_{CO}}+ \frac{N_I}{\tau_{IC}}\\ \dot{N}_O = -\frac{N_O}{\tau_{OI}} + \frac{N_C}{\tau_{CO}} \\ \dot{N}_I = -\frac{N_I}{\tau_{IC}} + \frac{N_O}{\tau_{OI}} \end{cases}. \] First, let's find the steady state number $N_O$. At equilibrium, the derivatives are zero, and we can express $N_C$ and $N_I$ in terms of $N_O$: \[N_C = N_O \frac{\tau_{CO}}{\tau_{OI}}, \quad N_I = N_O \frac{\tau_{IC}}{\tau_{OI}}.\] A total number $N$ is $N_C + N_O + N_I$, so \[ N_O = N \frac{\tau_{OI}}{\tau_{CO}+\tau_{OI}+\tau_{IC}}\] Let's introduce the vector $v=\begin{pmatrix} N_C \\ N_O \\ N_I \end{pmatrix}$. With this vector, the dynamic equation could be rewritten in matrix form: \[ \dot{v} = \begin{pmatrix} -\frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} & 0 & \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}}\\ \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} & -\frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} & 0\\ 0 & \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} & -\frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \end{pmatrix} v = Av\] Let's find the eigenvalues $\lambda$ and their eigenvectors $v_\lambda$: $A v_\lambda = \lambda v_\lambda$. This equation could also be rewritten in matrix form $(A - \lambda E) v_\lambda = 0$ and the value of $\lambda$ could be found as the solution of $\det(A - \lambda E) = 0$. \[ \det (A - \lambda E) = -\left( \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} + \lambda \right) \left( \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} + \lambda \right) \left( \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} + \lambda \right) + \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} = 0 \] We have one root $\lambda=0$ - it's the equilibrium point, and two others which are the roots of the quadratic equation: \[ \lambda \left[ \left( \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}}+ \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}}\frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} \right) + \lambda \left( \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \right) + \lambda^2 \right] = 0 \] Thus, we have two characteristic rates of convergence: \[\lambda_{1,2} = \frac{-\left( \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \right) \pm \sqrt{\left( \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \right)^2 - 4 \left( \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}}+ \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}} \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}}\frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} \right)}}{2}\] To find $v_{\lambda_0}$, $v_{\lambda_1}$ and $v_{\lambda_2}$ we solve the equation $(A-\lambda E) v_\lambda$: \[ \begin{pmatrix} -\frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} - \lambda & 0 & \frac{1}{\tau_{IC}}\\ \frac{1}{\tau_{CO}} & -\frac{1}{\tau_{OI}}- \lambda & 0\\ 0 & \frac{1}{\tau_{OI}} & -\frac{1}{\tau_{IC}}- \lambda \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} v_C\\ v_O \\ v_I \end{pmatrix} = 0 \] and the resulting time dependence of $v$ is \[v(t) = A v_{\lambda_0} + B e^{\lambda_1 t} v_{\lambda_1} + C e^{\lambda_2 t} v_{\lambda_2},\] where the constants $A$, $B$, $C$ should be found such that they satisfy the initial condition $v(0) = \begin{pmatrix} N & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}^T$. For the first type cells $\lambda_1 = -\frac{1}{0.10~\text{ms}}$, $\lambda_2 = -\frac{1}{4.97~\text{ms}}$. $I_\infty=1.4~\text{pA} \cdot N_O\approx 0.70~\text{nA}$.
For the second type cells $\lambda_1 = -\frac{1}{7.29~\text{ms}}$, $\lambda_2 = -\frac{1}{1.00~\text{ms}}$. $I_\infty=1.4~\text{pA} \cdot N_O\approx 0.34~\text{nA}$.
For the third type cells $\lambda_1 = -\frac{1}{9.89~\text{ms}}$, $\lambda_2 = -\frac{1}{1.00~\text{ms}}$. $I_\infty=1.4~\text{pA} \cdot N_O\approx 0.014~\text{nA}$.
1st type | 2nd type | 3rd type |
$I_\infty \approx 0.70~\text{nA}$ | $I_\infty \approx 0.34~\text{nA}$ | $I_\infty \approx 0.014~\text{nA}$ |
Remark: mobility is the coefficient of proportionality between the drift velocity $v$ of the particles and the force acting on them: $\mu F=v$.
Two effects contribute into the flow of ions: a diffusion $J_1 = - D \frac{dc}{dx}$ and a drift $J_2 = vc = \mu E e c$.
Remark: the membrane potential is considered positive if the plus is on the inner surface of the cell membrane.
A zero current is in corresponding with the zero flux of ions $J=0$. Let the $x$-axis direction be inward the cell: \[ -\mu k T \frac{dc}{dx} + \mu \frac{dU}{dx} e c = 0.\] We obtain such a differential equation for the voltage $U$ and the concentration $c$: \[ dU = \frac{kT}{e} \frac{dc}{c} \quad \Rightarrow \quad U = \frac{kT}{e} \ln \frac{c_\text{out}}{c_\text{in}}\]
After converging to the equilibrium current value and before turning on the light:
$U,~\text{mV}$ $I,~\text{pA}$ -120 -48 -80 -32 -40 -16 40 16 80 32 120 48
The slope of the graph $U$ vs $I$ is $2.5~\text{G}\Omega$, but from the equivalent scheme we know that the slope is $R_M + R_S$. At the initial moment of time, the dependence of $I$ on time and voltage $U$:
$U,~\text{mV}$ $I,~\text{nА}$ $10.0~\text{ms}$ $10.1~\text{ms}$ $10.2~\text{ms}$ $10.3~\text{ms}$ $10.4~\text{ms}$ -120 -24 -16 -11 -7 -5 -80 -16 -11 -7 -5 -3 -40 -8 -5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 40 9 5 3.5 2 1.5 80 16 10 7 5 3 120 23 16 10 7 5
According to the data the mean slope of the graph $\ln\left(\frac{I(t)}{I(10.0~\text{ms})}\right)$ vs $t$ is $-4.0~\text{ms}^{-1}$, but from the equivalent scheme it is $-\frac{1}{R_MC_M}$. The area under the line $I(t)$ is equal to the charge, which have to flow through the membrane to charge the capacitor to the voltage $U$. From the data we have:
$U,~\text{mV}$ $q,~\text{pC}$ -120 -6,03 -80 -3,94 -40 -1,94 40 1,87 80 3,89 120 5,89
The slope of the graph $q$ vs $U$ is $49~\text{nF}$ and it is also equal to $C_M$. Then $R_M = \frac{1}{4.0~\text{ms}^{-1} \cdot C_M} =5.0~\text{M}\Omega$ и $R_S = 2.5~\text{G}\Omega$.
$R_S$ | $R_M$ | $C_M$ |
$2.5~\text{G}\Omega$ | $5.0~\text{M}\Omega$ | $49~\text{nF}$ |
From the graph we see that when $U\approx 40~\text{mV}$ the current with turrned-on light stays approximattly zero. It allow us to calculate the value of $U_\text{rev}$
Ion $U_\text{rev},~\text{mV}$ $\rm K^+$ -84,1 $\rm Na^+$ 40,6 $\rm Cl^-$ -40,6 $\rm Mg^{2+}$ 8,8